The year in content: cartoons

Once upon a time, I worked in the music biz, where December meant "end of year" lists. People who listened to hundreds of albums that year would write up their top 10s, while I would scan it for the stuff I'd missed. I seem to share a lot of content online these days, so here's my first end-of-year list. 

Warning: some of the comics may be NSFW, depending on where you work, the risk of getting caught, and whether you care if you do.

Ooof, starting out with a political cartoon. Don't worry, there will be drawings of a dude pooping later on! Below is just the first image from a strip that details what the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement is, why it's super scary, and what can be done about it. It's a rather complicated issue, so I really appreciated the robots and other silly things that the artist included in order to keep me interested. The way that economics is (traditionally) framed tends to be extremely boring, but it's really, really important. Reading this clever comic will not just give a few chuckles - it gives a great overview of the global market economy and you'll learn a lot from it. See the full comic here

"Gridopoly", Baltimore City Paper (someone tell me the artist!)

The accompanying article for this comic disappeared after Citypaper was sold to the Sun, which is a big shame, because it's in my top 10 stories of the year and it should be required reading for everyone in Maryland. Luckily, the comic survived, and it's pretty awesome.

OK, these are cards, not comics, but they're super cute and made by an awesome illustrator in Baltimore!

Justin Duvall of Lookysquares also designed a koozie for my 30th birthday party. He's available for hire for fun illustrations!

I LOVE Bikeyface. Everything she does is awesome. Check out the rest of this comic, which is about how a woman on a bike is judged by her clothing - no matter what she wears - here

See full comic here.

This goes along with the "Not All Men" meme of earlier this year.

This was done for Playboy!

If you aren't familiar with the poem "The Lady of Shallott" by Alfred Lord Tennyson, read it here. I was obsessed with it in high school. Basically, a woman with an unnamed curse is confined to a tower to weave all day for all her life, until she catches sight of Sir Lancelot from her window, falls in love, leaves the tower, crawls into a boat, sets out onto the river, and dies. Victorians were weird.


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